KPIs and Targets
Respect for Human Rights
Related Material Issues
Contributing to a safe and secure society
Diversity & Inclusion
Advancement of governance
Strengthen risk management framework
Policy and Concept
Based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Tokyo Tatemono Group has established the Tokyo Tatemono Group Human Rights Policy, which specifies the matters all employees, including officers and contract employees, as well as temporary employees, and all other persons engaged in business, should adhere to. Based on this policy, the Tokyo Tatemono Group is promoting initiatives to respect the human rights of all stakeholders involved in our business, such as the prohibition of forced labor and child labor, and the prohibition of discrimination and harassment based on race, nationality, beliefs (including religion), gender, sexual orientation, age, social status, or origin.
Through human rights due diligence based on this policy, the Tokyo Tatemono Group is working to identify issues related to human rights in the Tokyo Tatemono Group's business, mitigate or correct any issues that exist, and provide relief to those who have been adversely affected by any human rights issues.
Furthermore, by publishing this policy on the Tokyo Tatemono website, we are clearly communicating our expectations to all stakeholders on the need to respect human rights.
Furthermore, we request suppliers who collaborate with the Tokyo Tatemono Group, including secondary and subsequent suppliers, to promote their business with respect for human rights through initiatives based on the Sustainable Procurement Standards.
The Tokyo Tatemono Group, led by the Sustainability Committee, chaired by the President, and the Human Rights Subcommittee, which is a subordinate organization of the Sustainability Committee, promotes human rights initiatives together with relevant departments and Group companies, and with support from external experts.
The Sustainability Committee not only deliberates and discusses on the formulation of Human Rights Policies, etc., the development of systems, the setting of human rights-related metrics and targets, and specific initiatives, but also monitors and evaluates the status of initiatives and the progress of achieving targets. The Human Rights Subcommittee, led by the Personnel Department, discusses how to promote initiatives based on the Human Rights Policy and human rights due diligence, and shares progress of such initiatives. Important matters discussed and debated by the Committee are submitted to or reported to the Board of Directors, which oversees the human rights initiatives.
International Norms the Tokyo Tatemono Group Supports and Respects
The International Bill of Human Rights, consisting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
International labor standards on human rights, such as the International Labour Organization's (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, which stipulates fundamental rights in the workplace (freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, the elimination of forced labor, the effective abolition of child labor, and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation)
Compacts Tokyo Tatemono Has Signed and Endorsed
10 principles in four areas (human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption) as defined by the United Nations Global Compact
Framework Chart (Human Rights)

Human Rights Due Diligence Initiatives
The Tokyo Tatemono Group is engaged in human rights due diligence in accordance with the Tokyo Tatemono Group Human Rights Policy. Human rights due diligence involves identifying human rights issues and then identifying those that should be prioritized. If a negative impact on human rights is foreseen, preventive measures and mitigation measures are taken, the effectiveness of those measures is monitored, and the measures are improved as necessary (PDCA cycle).
Based on the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) Human Rights Guidance Tool and other guidance on human rights, the Tokyo Tatemono Group has organized the stakeholders involved in the Tokyo Tatemono Group's business and identified general human rights issues that may arise as a result of corporate activities, as well as human rights issues specific to the real estate industry.
Based on the organized human rights issues, we identified and disclosed the human rights issues that are a priority for the Tokyo Tatemono Group after identifying the human rights risks specific to the Tokyo Tatemono Group. We then assessed the level of priority from the perspective of the scale of the impact on human rights, including the severity and likelihood of occurrence, and the connection with the Tokyo Tatemono Group. During this process, we received advice from human rights experts and had discussions at workshops attended by all group companies as well as consultations at Sustainability Committee meetings. For the identified priority issues, we will continually strive to understand the situation in different business fields and countries/regions, and if we anticipate any adverse affect on human rights, we will take appropriate preventive and mitigation measures. The effectiveness of these measures is monitored, and if problems arefound, we make efforts to improve them and disclose the status of these efforts.
Tokyo Tatemono Group Human Rights Priority Issues
Forced labor and child labor
Impact on local communities
Health and safety
Discrimination and harassment
Employee working conditions and working environment
Supplier working conditions and working environment
Right to privacy
In order to reduce risks to the human rights priority issues that have been identified, the Tokyo Tatemono Group looks at specific initiatives led by the Human Rights Subcommittee, addressing them in each relevant department. The effectiveness of these initiatives is regularly checked and reviewed as necessary through monitoring and dialogue with stakeholders.
Human Rights Due Diligence Process

Supply Chain Management
Related Material Issues
Contributing to a safe and secure society
Promoting a decarbonized society
Promoting a recycling-oriented society
Diversity & Inclusion
Advancement of governance
Strengthen risk management framework
Policy and Concept
The Tokyo Tatemono Group works with construction companies, building management companies, and many other suppliers (business partners involved in procurement in our business activities). These days, there is a need for sustainable procurement, which includes respect for human rights and consideration for the environment, not only for individual companies but also throughout the entire supply chain. Therefore, it is essential to build a sustainable supply chain that takes into account the environmental and social impact of suppliers.
In May 2021, the Tokyo Tatemono Group established the Sustainable Procurement Standards for all suppliers involved in the Tokyo Tatemono Group's businesses in order to comply with laws and regulations and promote initiatives throughout the entire supply chain to achieve sustainable procurement that takes into account respect for human rights, ensuring occupational health and safety, anti-corruption, and environmental conservation.
The Tokyo Tatemono Group is committed to building a sustainable supply chain by promoting understanding of and compliance with the procurement standards through dialogue with suppliers and business partners.
Summary of the Tokyo Tatemono Group Sustainable Procurement Standards
1. Observance of Laws and Regulations
Compliance with the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which we operate
2. Respect for Human Rights
Ensuring compliance with and respect for international standards relating to human rights and respect for basic human rights based on international standards
Prohibition of discrimination and harassment
3.Assurance of Sound Labor Practices and Working Environments
Ensuring freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
Eliminating and preventing forced labor and child labor
Prohibiting discrimination in labor conditions on the basis of race, nationality, creed, gender, sexual orientation, age, social status, origin, etc.
Complying with laws and regulations governing minimum wages, overtime pay, benefits, etc.
Prohibiting illegal overtime and excessive labor
Creating a safe and healthy working environment
4. Fair Business Activities
Prohibition of bribery and other corrupt practices
Prohibition of unfair and anti-competitive transactions
Blocking relationships with antisocial forces
Prohibiting infringement on the intellectual property rights or trade secrets of third parties
Protection and appropriate management of personal information and confidential matters
Protection of confidentiality of information related to reporting and the anonymity of whistleblowers and eliminating retaliation against whistleblowers
5. Assurance and Improvement of Safety and Quality
Ensuring and improving the quality of products and services and disclosing accurate related information
Responding sincerely to requests and complaints
6. Environmental Considerations
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
Promotion of the 3Rs, efficient use of resources, reduction of waste generation, reuse, and recycling
Prevention of pollution of air, water, soil, etc., and appropriate management and processing of chemical substances
Preservation of biodiversity and reduction of impact on ecosystems
Elimination of illegal raw material procurement
7. Co-existing with Local Communities
Building, maintaining, and strengthening good relationships with local communities
Understanding and respecting the culture and customs of local communities
8. Formulation and Construction of a BCP Framework
Formulate a business continuity plan (BCP) and build a system to implement it
9. Collaboration in the Supply Chain
Encourage business partners to understand, comply with, and improve the procurement standards.
The Tokyo Tatemono Group is promoting initiatives related to supply chain management under the leadership of the Sustainability Committee, chaired by the President. The Sustainability Committee deliberates and discusses important policies related to supply chain management, including the development and review of the Sustainable Procurement Standards and the identification of key suppliers, and monitors and evaluates the status of initiatives based on these policies. Important matters that are deliberated and discussed at committee meetings are submitted or reported to the Board of Directors who are then able to supervise overall supply chain management.
These initiatives are promoted with support from external experts, through the exchange of information with other companies in the industry and through dialogue with construction companies and other major suppliers to the Tokyo Tatemono Group, as well as in cooperation with related departments and Group companies.
Supply Chain Management PDCA

Improving Quality and Customer Satisfaction
Related Material Issues
Strengthening Tokyo's competitiveness as an international city
Contributing to a safe and secure society
Community building and revitalization
Addressing the diverse needs of customers and society
Revitalizing and Utilizing Real Estate Stock
Policy and Concept
The Tokyo Tatemono Group pays attention not only to quality in the "hard" aspect of our business--our buildings--but also to quality in the "soft" aspect, such as through the services we provide to our customers. We believe that our competitiveness as a business derives from building safe and secure communities and continuing to improve customer satisfaction.
Moreover, we have introduced various systems that reflect customer feedback into our business activities as well as strive to further enhance quality from the customer perspective and improve the satisfaction of our customers.
Revitalizing and Utilizing Real Estate Stock
Related Material Issues
Contributing to a safe and secure society
Community building and revitalization
Addressing the diverse needs of customers and society
Revitalizing and Utilizing Real Estate Stock
Policy and Concept
Many of the housing complexes that were built throughout Japan in the postwar era to support Japan's rapid economic growth have now become run-down decades after their construction. Many of these buildings face serious issues, including concerns about resilience against earthquakes and security and the lack of elevators, so there is an increasing need to rebuild these complexes. In addition, housing complexes, where many families raising children once lived, are now experiencing an outflow of residents and an aging population, so revitalizing communities that connect local residents is also a major issue.
Through reconstruction and redevelopment of properties such as housing complexes and buildings, the Tokyo Tatemono Group is building safer and more secure communities for customers and local residents.
Activities such as reconstruction also enable us to create new value for the coming era and to revitalize local communities.
Contributing to Our Communities
Related Material Issues
Strengthening Tokyo's competitiveness as an international city
Contributing to a safe and secure society
Community building and revitalization
Addressing the diverse needs of customers and society
Value co-creation and innovation
Policy and Concept
The Tokyo Tatemono Group believes that community engagement and volunteer activities contribute not only to community development and more value for the local community, but also to sustainable business growth. With this in mind, we conduct a variety of activities to help strengthen ties between people in urban environments while supporting the well-being of local residents.
In each region where we operate, we contribute to the creation of a prosperous society as a member of the local community by working together with various stakeholders, including local residents, tenants of office buildings and condominiums, NPOs, government agencies, and private companies, while making efforts to contribute to the development of the region and improving value for local communities.
Human Resource Investment and Development
Related Material Issues
Improve employee growth and job satisfaction
Diversity & Inclusion
Policy and Concept
Tokyo Tatemono sees talent as one of the foundations of our organization, enabling the Tokyo Tatemono Group to create value and grow sustainably. In order to realize our long-term vision, we have set improving employee growth and job satisfaction as a material issue for human resources, and we are working to strengthen human capital as one of our most important management issues. To enhance corporate value by maximizing the value of our human resources, we are actively promoting initiatives to develop human resource and improve the internal environment, and we are investing more into our talent based on the Human Resource Philosophy and Policy described below.
Human Resource Philosophy
The Company's growth is tied to its employees' growth, therefore, we are responsive to their contributions.
Human Resource Policy
(1)Ideal human resource: Trustworthy people, People who forge their own paths
(2)Creating a fulfilling, rewarding workplace in which employees can experience growth and feel satisfaction from their work
Health Management / Occupational Safety and Health
Related Material Issues
Social implementation of technology
Improve employee growth and job satisfaction
Diversity & Inclusion
Advancement of governance
Strengthen risk management framework
Policy and Concept
To enable our officers and employees to be healthy in body and mind and to work with a lively spirit, the Tokyo Tatemono Group has designated the President as the Chief Health Officer (CHO) and we are working on initiatives to maintain and improve the health of each individual Group officer and employee in accordance with the Group Health Management Declaration. With regard to health management, we have identified improving employee growth and job satisfaction as one of our material issues. We have set KPIs and targets based on this material issue, promoting efforts to achieve these targets.
In 2023, we set a new KPI and target of maintaining an appropriate weight ratio of 75% or more by FY2028 to further foster employees' awareness of self-directed health management.
Group companies engaged in commercial property and condominium construction and building management are committed to promoting occupational health and safety by conducting assessments and educating officers and employees. Furthermore, with regard to the supply chain in our Tokyo Tatemono Group's business, we request suppliers, including construction and building management companies, to ensure sound labor practices and working environments based on the Sustainable Procurement Standards established for the entire Group, with the aim of maintaining good health and promoting health and safety throughout the supply chain.
Tokyo Tatemono Group Health Management Declaration
Tokyo Tatemono's corporate philosophy, "Trust beyond the era," encompasses our will to strive for the growth of the Company and the creation of a prosperous society, taking pride in the trust placed in us that extends over a century. To embody this corporate philosophy, we believe that supporting the health of our officers and employees as well as their families is vital.
We see the mental and physical health of officers and employees as the primary source of sustainable corporate growth and actively promote activities for each and every person to maintain and improve their health.
As the Chief Health Officer, I will work to make the environment more conducive to achieving this, and I promise that our organization will pursue health management as a whole.
Katsuhito Ozawa
President and Chief Executive Officer
Tokyo Tatemono Co., Ltd.
Health Management Strategy Map

The Tokyo Tatemono Group's Sustainability Committee, chaired by the President, sets goals for the promotion of health management, defines specific initiatives to achieve these goals, monitors progress, and evaluates the details of achievement. Important matters discussed and debated by the Committee are reported or brought up for discussion at the Board of Directors meetings, where they are overseen by the Board of Directors.
Furthermore, Tokyo Tatemono established the Health Committee, which consists of representatives from the Personnel Department and each office/location, as well as industrial physicians. In principle, the committee meets once a month with the aim of improving occupational health standards in the workplace and maintaining and promoting the health of officers and employees. Half of the members of the committee other than the chairperson are appointed based on the recommendation of a person representing a majority of the employees. Moreover, we work to maintain and improve health throughout the Tokyo Tatemono Group through Group-wide measures.
Tokyo Fudosan Kanri and Tokyo Tatemono Amenity Support, which are involved in construction and building management, conduct a risk assessment regarding labour issues carried out for: a) Potential new operations or projects (due diligence) and b) Existing operations or projects.
Health Management Promotion System Chart

Diversity & Inclusion
Related Material Issues
Improve employee growth and job satisfaction
Diversity & Inclusion
Policy and Concept
In a society where values are diversifying and rapidly changing, in order to realize a sustainable society, it is more important than ever to enable diverse human resources, including women and seniors, to work to their fullest and achieve a good work-life balance. The Tokyo Tatemono Group believes that allowing everyone to work actively and without barriers will create innovation and encourage corporate growth, with for example, services from the customer's perspective, and improved productivity.
Along with creating a fulfilling, rewarding workplace in which employees can experience growth and feel satisfaction from their work, the Tokyo Tatemono Human Resource Policy identifies diversity and inclusion as one of the Tokyo Tatemono Group's material issues. Based on this, KPIs and targets have been set with efforts underway to achieve them.
The Tokyo Tatemono Group has established a Health Management and Diversity Promotion Group within the Personnel Department, and works with labor departments of each Group company to promote various measures related to diversity and inclusion across the Group.